DDA Claims Management was created from the principal belief that ADR Services provide a valuable vehicle to settle disputes. Our team members have been involved for years in both pre-suit mediations, Department of Financial Services mediations and appraisals, and are well seasoned in complex negotiations. Whether it’s around the table or in the field, we understand the complexities associated with disputed claims. We look to make appropriate, warranted settlements based on merits and facts.


DDA Claims Management has extensive experience and credentials as objective and impartial Property Damage Appraisers. Utilizing our team of seasoned industry DDA Claims Appraisers, our aim is to properly assess a loss and present an award that is commensurate to the loss, without unnecessary claims leakage or unwarranted venturing into issues of cause. Issues related to pricing and scope disputes can and should be settled without the additional added expense of litigation. These issues should also encompass all aspects of the dispute, including those of 3rd parties. It’s not just about getting to a number; it’s about getting to the right one.



Our team has years of experience in client representation and trial testimony, participating in pre-litigation and Department of Financial Services mediations. We have successfully represented our client’s interests with factual and appropriately negotiated settlements. Our approach is measured and detailed. Our understanding of risk and exposure assists our clients in minimizing risk through detailed case studies and negotiations which are derived from real-world practice. We understand that each case is unique, with its very own intricacies, both in fact and circumstances. We can assist your team in clearly evaluating cases while delivering an equitable and concise resolution when appropriate.